Friday, July 16, 2010


someone you wish you can meet.

dear him,
you were supposed to pick me up one morning at three in the morning and we were supposed to spend the whole morning together & i was supposed to be in your arms & just be happy and eventually build something. even though you live probably 30 minutes away from me, i still never got the chance to meet you. it actually kills me that i've never met you & you live so close.

it all started with myspace and we were commenting and messaging each other & you made me feel more special than ever. i really do wish my car had gas and that yours worked that night because we could of built something & now you don't even text back to me. you doing that resulted me in fully giving up & again, i regret it. we've had so many opportunities to meet up and meet each other and we never did.

i fell in love with you, it kills me that we don't talk any more. i get super jealous when i see that your in a new relationship. but eh, i guess i have to move on...

your little white girl.

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