Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Reasons why I think your awesome.

I haven't even known this person for 24 hrs. and he makes me want to write a list about him.

1. the uniqueness of the spelling of your name.

2. your piercings.

3. what turns you on.

4. your music choices.

5. your ice cream choice.

6. you show interest in me.

7. you live in one of the greatest cities

8. your honest.

9. your super cute.

10. your wise.

11. what you like in a woman.

12. your maturity.

13. your stories.

14. our new late night doings.

15. your birthday.

16. a night off - drake.

17. i can talk to you for hours and not get bored.

18. we've had a 10 hour conversation.

19. your cat.

20. you don't judge.

21. you know my best friend.

22. google chrome.

23. you put up with my random-osity.

24. the thought of me naked makes you happy (i think)

25. you have cooties.

26. you can put up with me.

27. you helped me move on from a situation.

28. your supportive.

29. you cuddle & it leads to sex. :D

30. you have guitars.

31. you like anime (even though I don't)


33. you like what I like.

34. reassurance that you won't leave.

35. you understand me.

& finally, 36. YOUR BLACK.

-much to be added-

37. you won't allow me to think i'll be alone; or be depressed.


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